Moving home directory to another partition
I'd need to set up ubuntu, but I didn't want to lose my home directory. Everything was in one partition, so I'd lose my home folder with a re-install. I didn't want this, so I moved it into another partition.
The new partition would be the size of my home folder at least, and I found this by running:
cd /home
du -sch $(ls -A)
I didn't have enough space, so I cleared up some space using these instructions. I made sure the free space was equal to m home directory + 50GB. I don't want to be unable to store new files.
I resized (shrunk) the current partition, then created the new partition from the unallocated space. I used gparted live usb for this. It's easy to use the GUI tool to shrink and create new partitions.
Once done, I logged into my original OS as the root user, mounted the new partition and copied over my home folder with:
mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt
cp -rp /home/* /mnt # cp -r --preserve=all /home/* /mnt might be better
mv /home /home.old
I got the uuid for the new partition with blkid, and modified my /etc/fstab to automatically mount this partition on boot as my home directory with:
# home directory mount
UUID=uuid_from_blkid_output /home ext4 rw,relatime 0 2
I rebooted my laptop and everything seemed ok.
Lastly, I cleaned out the home.old folder with:
rm -rf /home.old
And now I could safely change my OS without losing my home directory.