Articles in the Computer category

Migrate From Vimwiki To Markdown Syntax

Vimwiki supports markdown and I switched to this because:

  • I didn't use the default syntax anywhere else.
  • I could convert to html using only VimwikiAll2HTML.

Fixing My Config

Vimwiki expects some options set before it loads (ref). With lazy, I use init like:

{ 'vimwiki/vimwiki',
  branch = 'dev',
  dependencies = {'mattn/calendar-vim …

SC-IM Color Configuration

I couldn't read cells in sc-im because there was little contrast between the background and foreground colors. I temporarily fixed this by changing my terminal's color scheme, but I'd prefer to keep it. A permanent solution was to change sc-im's colors, for example:

color "type=INPUT fg=WHITE bg=BLACK …

Testing GUIX

I installed guix with:

# Install nscd (name service cache daemon) to help pick up guix libs
sudo apt install nscd
sudo systemctl enable nscd

# install guix
# Ref:
cd /tmp
wget …

Stack Static Missing Library With Guix

I installed stack_static by downloading the binary from github and moving it to .local/bin. I was able to compile haskell programs, but running them failed with the error:

$ stack run
/home/rookie/projects/random/helloworld/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-tinfo6/48795ad824c5ab2c527b42cc08a43bf5cd587c042c536072710c2302b997bb41/9.2.5/bin …

Comic Site Migration to SQLite

Postgres was the database for my comic site but I chose to migrate to sqlite because it would:

  • be easier to back up
  • use less resources on my server
  • be one less service to manage

I also don't get a lot of traffic so it wouldn't have an impact.

The …

How To Code Review

Code reviews improve the health of a system while spreading ownership of code and knowledge. A good review process is fast and we can handle low hanging fruits by automating trivial checks (e.g. running unit tests, style choices) and choosing style guidelines. We can have high level discussions on …

My Firefox Configuration

I like firefox, and I've tweaked it to be ideal for me. The extensions I have are:

  • Dark reader: I prefer dark themes, so this applies one to websites. This works great except for my bank's website, which I've excluded in the plugin.

  • Tridactyl: provides vim keybindings. It's intuitive and …

Moving home directory to another partition

I'd need to set up ubuntu, but I didn't want to lose my home directory. Everything was in one partition, so I'd lose my home folder with a re-install. I didn't want this, so I moved it into another partition.

The new partition would be the size of my home …

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