Using Pass - A Password Manager/Generator


Pass is a password manager that stores passwords locally on the host machine. Since the passwords are stored locally there is minimal risk on your passwords being exposed after some data breach occurring. Also, you can use git to version control the passwords, and set them up in a repo on any machine.

To install:

sudo pacman -S pass

Then to initialize the password store:

pass init email

To insert a password into the store:

pass insert /email/

If you get the following error:

gpg: skipped: No public key
gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: No public key
Password encryption aborted.

Then you have to first generate the gpg keys:

gpg --full-gen-key

This will take you through the process step by step. All someone has to do is follow the prompts.

To generate a password, do:

pass generate name/of/service 10

which will generate a password 10 characters long

pass -n generate name/of/service 10

will generate password without special symbols i.e. only alphanumeric characters.

To edit or overwrite password

password edit name/of/service or pass inserte

Other commands include:

pass name/of/service # displays the password
pass -c name/of/service # copies the password to xclip

pass rm name/of/sercie # removes password
pass rm -r name # removes full directory

pass git init # sets up git in pass folder

To find out more about pass, you can check here