Articles in the Computer category

Jogging Time Tracking In Google Sheets

I jog frequently. I needed to track the various times I spend jogging my various routes. There are pretty awesome android apps for this but carrying a phone with me while jogging did not work. I was ok with a wrist watch though. So I jog and afterwards store the …

Testing Asynchronous Calls in VueJS

I frequently use asynchronous calls when coding in vuejs, especially when I get and send data to an online api. Initially, I found it difficult to test the asynchronous calls, but as I learned more, asynchronous tests became painless. I detail the methods I use to test promises and async …

Jupyter Notebook Setup on a VPS

These steps have been tested on Digital Ocean server and a scaleway ARM64 server. I used the cheapest provided options for my setups.

First, set up ubuntu on the server. Both Digital Ocean and Scaleway provide an easy way to do this. Just follow their prompts, and you'll have your …


SSH provides a secure means of remote login from one computer to another computer. When setting up linux servers, the OS usually provides ssh by default. To login:

ssh user@ipaddress

This prompts for a password, after which you have access to a remote terminal. Sometimes, no password is requested …

SciKit-Learn GraphSearch CV

Scikit learn provides a lot of algorithms to help in machine learning. However, sometimes those algorithms have too many options. It is not usually evident which options will produce the best results. One method of solving this is to loop through all possible options and check the score.

crit = ['gini …


Ansible is an automation tool that easens work a lot. I just set it up once and from then on I can forget about configurations and settings for my projects. It's really great for doing repeatable tasks like setting up nginx for subdomains, redeploying django projects, updating the OS, etc …

Project Management in Google Sheets

Outline of Project

I wanted a google sheet file that could manage simple projects. This meant that it could track tasks, send notifications when tasks were late and differentiate done, undone and late tasks when the file was opened and editted. To do this, I decided to research into Google …

ArchLinux Signature Error

When updating archlinux using:

sudo pacman -Syu

I sometimes get an error message that looks something like this:

error: zstd: signature from "Andrzej Giniewicz (giniu) <>" is marginal trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/zstd-1.3.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP …

Using Pass - A Password Manager/Generator

Pass is a password manager that stores passwords locally on the host machine. Since the passwords are stored locally there is minimal risk on your passwords being exposed after some data breach occurring. Also, you can use git to version control the passwords, and set them up in a repo …

Keeping a Diary in Vim

A diary is a good way to write down one's thoughts and memories of the day.

Being a vim fan, I had to find a way to easily help me write down my diary. This is where vim wiki comes in. It is basically a means of writing down wikis …

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