Articles by John Nduli

2018 So Far

This year so far has been tough.

I thought I would have read around 10 books by now but I'm barely half that mark. Most of the books are mostly fiction, but at least I've got some variety this time. The books I've completed so far are:

  • 'The Worthing Saga' …

Document Scaning in Arch Linux

Using a scanner in arch is pretty perplexing at first, especially if you want to try it from the command line. Here are my steps to end up with something that works.

First install the sane package. Sane provides a command line tool for using scanners.

sudo pacman -S sane …

When Memory is not enough

A computer or server suddenly freezes or crashes. You don't know what the problem is and you really need to complete this task. One of the options is to consider memory. You might have just run out. To confirm this, you can monitor memory usage using the htop command while …

Jogging Time Tracking In Google Sheets

I jog frequently. I needed to track the various times I spend jogging my various routes. There are pretty awesome android apps for this but carrying a phone with me while jogging did not work. I was ok with a wrist watch though. So I jog and afterwards store the …

Testing Asynchronous Calls in VueJS

I frequently use asynchronous calls when coding in vuejs, especially when I get and send data to an online api. Initially, I found it difficult to test the asynchronous calls, but as I learned more, asynchronous tests became painless. I detail the methods I use to test promises and async …

Jupyter Notebook Setup on a VPS

These steps have been tested on Digital Ocean server and a scaleway ARM64 server. I used the cheapest provided options for my setups.

First, set up ubuntu on the server. Both Digital Ocean and Scaleway provide an easy way to do this. Just follow their prompts, and you'll have your …

Control: Controllability and Observability

The state space equations are given by:

\begin{align*} x'(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t)\\ y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t) \end{align*}

If we discretize the system, the equation can be written as:

\begin{align*} x(n+1) = A_dx(n) + B_du(n)\\ y(n) = C_dx(n …


SSH provides a secure means of remote login from one computer to another computer. When setting up linux servers, the OS usually provides ssh by default. To login:

ssh user@ipaddress

This prompts for a password, after which you have access to a remote terminal. Sometimes, no password is requested …

System Clock Prescalers and Their Hazards

One means of saving power with the attiny13A is by slowing down the clock frequency of the microcontroller. One option of doing this is by using the system clock prescaler. The attiny13A is shipped with running on a 9.6MHz internal RC Oscillator. It has the CKDIV8 fuse set (which …

SciKit-Learn GraphSearch CV

Scikit learn provides a lot of algorithms to help in machine learning. However, sometimes those algorithms have too many options. It is not usually evident which options will produce the best results. One method of solving this is to loop through all possible options and check the score.

crit = ['gini …

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