Articles by John Nduli

Postgresql Weird Error - Failed To Start

After updating my Archlinux, I tried starting up postgreSQL with:

sudo systmctl start postgresql.service

The service was unable to start. I then checked on what systemctl was saying the error was.

(env) [rookie@ArchRookie eventmanagement]$ sudo systemctl status postgresql
[sudo] password for rookie:
● postgresql.service - PostgreSQL database server
Loaded …

Know Thy Editor Well

Someone once told me that I should really know my editor, and know it well. I did not take this advice into consideration but lately, as I get better and better at using vim, I think I'm beginning to understand the fella well.

If you know your editor well enough …

Changing Menu Icon MinCss

I wanted to make this pelican theme that is really light weight. I did some research and came upon mincss. Now this is a really small CSS framework that supports a wide range of browsers. For more info, check out here

I encountered a small problem however. I wanted to …

Org Mode in Vim

Emacs has org mode. It is a really great tool. This is how I use the same in vim.

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